Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Calling it Quits

I decided to start doodling with my writing tablet more. I really enjoy the feel of this piece, the black and white charcoal effect complimented the theme nicely. This was created for an blog on, well...calling it quits. Digital Media: Photoshop and Graphire tablet.

©2008 Dagmar Jeffrey.
All designs are under their respective copyright. All rights reserved.

Spec: The Real Monster

Client: no!spec

This pro-bono poster was designed and donated to the anti-speculative organization.

Spec work is a commonly employed unethical practice that target designers and is normally masked under the guise of a contest or test of skill using actual, active client projects for little or no compensation to the creative.

Another well known beast that like-wise preys on the innocent in similar fashion was employed as a simple, yet impacting psychological comparison.

©2008 Dagmar Jeffrey. All designs are under their respective copyright. All rights reserved.

Bzztby Berkley

Client: Personal

One of the forums I frequent held a friendly "create a killer robot" competition on their site. As such, the parameters were pretty flexible...anything pretty much went, so long as it didn't infringe on anyone's creative rights (or any other copyright for that matter). One's "killer" robot didn't necessarily have to be all that deadly either...a PMS day was sufficient enough (although some submissions ended up being just plain cute).

In less than an hour, Bzztby Berkley was born by way of Adobe Illustrator to a proud organic momma. Armed with his "lens flare" ray and "color-COLOR!" power, he has elements that are inspired by a fictitious "what if" union between the The Jetsons' animated robot maid Rosie and the romantic torch carrying four armed mechanical cartoon co-star, Max (handy bot to Henry Orbit). Think of him as their rebellious seed.

©2008 Dagmar Jeffrey. All designs are under their respective copyright. All rights reserved.

Pandy Prints

Client: Pandy Prints

This cute little caricature of the owner's pup is the representative mascot of a start-up print stationery and paper company. Their range of services are expected to also feature a unique line of shirt designs, crafts and a comic strip.

©2008 Dagmar Jeffrey. All designs are under their respective copyright. All rights reserved.

Band Tooter


This illustration was made for an ARCHE•BLogGER entry titled, "Tooting Your Own Horn."

The hand drawn, then digitally rendered illustration using Adobe Illustrator, incorporated some inspired influences from both Dr. Seuss and from designer Von Glitschka. The loose "doodled" interpretation of the facial features subtly implied that this article was specifically targeted towards people in the design industry.

©2008 Dagmar Jeffrey. All designs are under their respective copyright. All rights reserved.


Client: Personal

Created exclusively in Illustrator and partially inspired by Spongebob Squarepants and "Merry Melody" styled cartoons, it was originally created as an aid to help a fellow designer who couldn't find examples of highlights, reflections and shadows for him to practice on.

Egghead looked so cute that I thought I'd include him as another example of my illustrative style.

©2008 Dagmar Jeffrey. All designs are under their respective copyright. All rights reserved.



What began as a quick side-trip turned into a nifty opportunity to brand my online forum moniker, Seapony. Drawn, scanned, then digitally rendered using Adobe Illustrator CS, the identity-avatar typographically incorporates both the user's surname's initial and the first letter of her forum moniker. The eye colors change depending on the holiday (as with the bottom right version, which depicts Halloween), season, or like an online "mood ring" the general disposition of the user.

The complete history of the evolution of the name and design can be found in the link under the Client name ARCHE•BLogGER, above.

©2008 Dagmar Jeffrey. All designs are under their respective copyright. All rights reserved.